Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 Best Personal Branding Speakers of 2019

Every entrepreneur has a personal brand, but they don’t all build those brands themselves. Those who neglect personal branding are inevitably branded by others.

Before the media or your competitors have a chance to paint your personal brand, be proactive. If you want to be seen as kind and thoughtful, for example, be generous with your team. Create content around what companies can do to treat their customers more empathetically. Make a point to share examples of other-focused businesses on social.

Need some inspiration? These speakers are full of insights on how to define and build your personal brand:

1. John Hall

Author of the bestselling branding book “Top of Mind,” John Hall helps entrepreneurs build influence through relationships and content. After exiting Influence & Co., a thought leadership company he co-founded, Hall co-founded time management tool Calendar. Through Calendar, he encourages leaders to use their time efficiently and build meaningful relationships. As a speaker, Hall is known for his helpfulness, authenticity, and down-to-earth approach. 

2. AJ Vaden

AJ Vaden, co-founder and CEO of Brand Builders Group, helps people reinvent and monetize their personal brands. Before she decided to start speaking about personal branding, Vaden served as a sales trainer for major financial organizations. She has also served as a mediation specialist and executive coach. Vaden’s speeches detail setbacks, strategies, and successes she’s had across 25 years of personal brand building.

3. William Arruda

Having co-founded Reach Personal Branding back in 2001, William Arruda is a veteran of personal branding. His latest initiative is Career Blast, a New York-based company he co-founded that provides professional development via bite-sized video lessons. Arruda’s “Ditch. Dare. Do!” book digs into personal branding for professionals, providing 66 ways they can become more influential and happier at the office.

4. Dorie Clark

An academic, author, and business communication consultant, Dorie Clark has done it all in the personal branding world. Published by Harvard Business Review Press, her “Entrepreneurial You” helps leaders think more entrepreneurially in order to succeed in the 21st-century economy. At Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, she teaches executive communication skills and personal branding. Having also worked as a journalist, Clark’s speeches are informative, engaging, and fact-based.

5. Patrick Ambron

To help leaders protect their online reputation, Patrick Ambron co-founded BrandYourself in 2009. Ambron takes two approaches to personal branding: The first is removing elements that might hurt one’s brand, such as negative Google search results. The other is adding what he calls “reinforcing factors,” or content that showcases one’s brand in the right places online. Expect Ambron to share stories of personal brand reclamation in his speeches, as well as tips for preventing reputation damage in the first place.

Whether you’re looking for a strict how-to speech or something more motivational, these personal branding speakers are sure to impress. Book one whose background aligns with your needs, and learn how to make your story shine.

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